Field Access and Conditions at bottom of any page.
Fields are OPEN Coaches , please walk the fields before practice and games and notify VSC of any holes or issues with the field.
Refund Policy and Membership Information
Upon completion of registration, every player, and or family become general members of the Board, and have the right to attend open or general board meetings, including board elections.
Each member ( family or representative ) has 1 vote, and may cast that vote by proxy ( in writing) or in person. Membership is for 1 season or calendar year depending on season as determined by the GCSA.
Refunds: refunds may be given prior to season start, (defined as having played at least one game) and are approved or denied on a per case basis. NO refunds will be given after the season starts, and there are no refunds at anytime on uniforms.
No refunds will be given in the case of violation of the club rules or code of conduct or for any other reason not covered by the above, and voted on or approved by the board.
Completion of registration is considered acceptance of these terms.
All of the above and more are covered at Coaches and parent meetings and non attendance to a meeting does not invalidate any of the terms of these policies.
Team Formation Procedures
All efforts are made to assign players to the same team or coach as the previous season, unless otherwise requested by the parents.
New players or players from teams that are no longer active, will join and/or be divided between the registered teams in the same age bracket.
Parent request for team placement is taken into consideration. The club does try to meet all team placement request, but the request is not guaranteed. As the priority is to ensure the teams are divided as equally as possible by the number of players on each team.
If siblings are playing at the same age bracket, they are placed on the same team unless otherwise requested by the parents.
Verdigris Soccer Club does not perform player evaluations. The skill level of players is not known or considered when teams are formed.
Verdigris Soccer Club is a recreational league. Club and Academy players are not to register with our club as a player or guest player, unless they have been released from the other club, and are no longer playing at that level.
If a team is co-ed, effort is made to split the team as evenly as possible, by gender. Priority is made to keep core teams together. This could result in an uneven number of boys to girl ratio on teams.
If we only have one coach for an age bracket, the roster may become a co-ed team that plays in a gender specific bracket. (Example: 3 girls sign up in U8, not enough to form a girls’ team. These girls have the option to play on the boy’s team that season)
If we start with one coach in an age bracket the roster is maxed, if we get over max roster, another team is formed, and a coach is sought out. We do not seek coaches unless we have teams for them. If another team is formed then we divide the players amongst the two teams, based on the team formation priorities. (Players return to same team as previous season, other players are divided between the two teams, parent team placement request, and siblings placed on the same team).
VSC Policy Regarding Play Time for All Recreational Players U8 and up.
A-VSC believes the goal is for each player on a recreational team to have the right to play at least 50% of every match in which the team participates. The VSC deems that it shall be the responsibility of each coach to comply with this policy.
Notwithstanding this, it is recognized that there are instances in which player participation may be restricted.
B-This policy of the VSC permits a coach to deny the player's participation in a match or restrict playing time provided that the coach has a policy setting forth standards which differentiate between failure to attend practice,or discipline for unsportsmanlike or violent conduct at practice. This policy and any club or team standards of conduct shall be uniformly applied, without bias, to all players on a team. In no instance may a coach restrict playing time below one half of a match based, on a player’s ability or skill.
While it is the desire for all recreational players to participate in 50% of matches, max and over rostered teams may have difficulty in the 50% rule, and will be at the discretion of the coach based on the above criteria.
C-The VSC has adopted the following suggestions for application of this policy:
1. A coach may restrict playing time to a match for absences to practice provided that the reason for such absences is not for attendance at a school or church function. Missing a practice to attend a siblings SCHOOL function, will be at the sole discretion of the coach
We ask coaches to document such absences, as best they can (they are volunteers) and that each coach note player attendance to practices as best they can and be able to provide information as to the practices missed should the occasion arise.
Such restriction must be able to verified by the coach as to the players practice participation if approached by a club representative.
2. A coach may deny a player’s right to 50% play for violent or unsportsmanlike conduct at practice. SSuch restriction must be able to verified by the coach as to the players practice participation if approached by a club representative.
3. In any situation where the coach believes it is necessary to deny or restrict a player’s playing time, VSC will NOT enforce the 50% playing time, or punish the coach or team for following the above guidelines